*This project is a one-week-long school project. Each week we will come up with a design problem based on the topic we get from the professor. Then we will create a Pattern that solves the problem. Based on the Pattern we create we will design and create a game.

An Emotional Pattern:

This week we are asked to create an emotional pattern. In the first three projects, we created short games that create nervousness, and fear which all contain horror elements. We want to create a more unusual emotion through this week's game. Thus, for this project, we are trying to deliver the emotion of surprise in our game. Surprise as a game element is commonly used in all different game types. It often adjusts the game's atmosphere to keep the player's interest. Surprise can also represent both positive(laugh, fun) and negative(jump scare) emotions. In our game, we are trying to create the positive side of the surprise. For this scene, we got the idea from some Japanese humor which uses a serious attitude to do something that doesn’t make sense. In this sense, players will experience three different parts including the lobby, hallway, and the room. Players will try to finish the goal of going home and with surprises along the way. The hardest part of this project is we need to think out of the box to create surprises. Since we need to make things that everyone does daily into something they can’t expect it is a challenge for us.

Design Problem:

The most basic player experiences of games in different genres are similar. So making a new experience is what this pattern is for. If the games share similar plots or narrative lines, players can easily predict the story or the ending of the game. Players can hardly make a remarkable impression on such games. To solve such problems, we come up with a solution that makes the game unpredictable and creates a surprise emotion in the players. Surprises can be positive(laugh, fun) and negative(fear, jump scare). 


How your pattern applied to the design problem:

Pattern: https://patternlanguageforgamedesign.com/PatternLibraryApp/PatternLibrary/1239

Instead of making the surprise predictable, we have to think out of the box. Such as when the player takes the elevator, instead of going up, it goes left and sends the player back to the lobby. And when the player is trying to take the elevator again. And when the elevator door opens, the stairs leading to the second floor will show up. And then the player will see 7 doors on the second floor, they will need to try to find the right door to go home. But the real door will only appear after the player opens all the doors. And when the player gets into the room when the player turns on the light, the house will disappear.


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When is part 2

Thanks for asking. Since we are still working on a lot of other works, part 2 may take a while.